
Unfortunately, no longer does Ursur have a throne to lean upon after leaving the Kraud Etherwalk cult, and it also is generally frowned upon to greet customers with such a gaze. And attire. . . . And scythe. At least by the boss’s standards. Though, without his coffee, he’ll do it anyway.

After a much needed laptop upgrade and downloading the newer version of Krita, I’ve been experimenting a bit with brushes and ended up with this neon catastrophe. (I type as if I don’t always end up with a neon catastrophe.) I’ll take it as a good sign the brush experimentation is going well, and it was a lot of fun to work on, regardless.
Finally, my laptop will be able to handle larger .kra files with more layers, no lag, and hopefully fewer crashes!

In other news I am much, much closer to piecing together my first zine. A few vignettes featuring the boys have finally been proofed and formatted.

Coffee time,
Koel out.

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