Crotalus Doesn’t Make the Rules . . .


Of course Crotalus has to pretend that Ursur has some power over him, because it’s so ironic that it’s funny. Just poking right in the sore that is Ursur knowing he’ll do so much of what Crotalus asks, or demands. When he pretends that Ursur has the power, it’s silly, it’s futile, it’s a joke.

But not everyone laughs. The Moondogs and the higher ups of the Paraselene Syndicate, and a few scattered individuals, know far too well that joke isn’t quite that ironic.

So, here is something a bit ridiculous for a change. Compelled, I had to stop in my wip tracks just to sketch this up and I haven’t stopped laughing at it since. Though, there is something a bit unsettling about Cro wearing a t-shirt with his ethertech hands exposed.

I don’t make the rules here,
Koel out.

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