Still attempting to put all art that I’ve published on other social media here in compilation. I’ve been horrible with cross-posting since the very beginning, except for the deviantArt era where I had no other art accounts.


It’s annoying when those we stab thirteen times continue to haunt us after death. Dare say inconvenient.
This one is from back from when Cro was a hallucination, and not actually still alive. (The less fun era.) I’m quite glad he wears shirts and smudged eyeliner now.


As usual, I (accidentally) ended up drawing my characters doing nothing but annoying one another.


Luckily Buteo’s design has matured a bit and become more unique. I still have a lot that I want to alter, but it’s going in a good direction. I really ought to polish up some recent wips I have of him that I’ll never finish.


I do love the scribbles and how I drew that scythe in this one. Really ought to draw more scribbles.


Some sketches of messing with Ursur being fashionable. Out of everyone, he is the most impractical with his clothing. I really need to design his overcoat and etc, because this attire is not ideal for the dirty, dusty, dangerous post apoc.

Probably back to drawing,
Koel out.


I’ve finally put this together. A mosaic of old art that I’ve uploaded elsewhere on social media. Now it’s here too, huzzah!


When you’re trying to wake up from a long art hiatus yet still trying to love yourself regardless. . .


A wip that turned out looking pretty fun.


What on earth are they sneering at? Is it my chaotic color/shading? Is it the horrendous social media algorithms? Is it both? Neither? Who knows. . . .


This sketch was abandoned before completion. But I was incredibly fond of how Caius’s boots were shaping up. I do love drawing some chunky boots.


Some nice festive candy corn colors for a nice festive Halloween sketch. I will definitely have to come up with something great for this year’s Halloween shenanigans as the time approaches quickly.

Thinking deeply,
Koel out.



Of course the big question is: what made Cro cry? Was it, in fact, a combination of unholy hours and Ursur’s singular taco sock? And, if so, why was Ursur awake?

Crotalus has this habit of being very bad at sleeping, so he’s often up at those awful hours when really no one should be up. Either he wanders the halls of the Parasyn compound without his shoes, or he reads by candlelight as the hours blur together. Ursur, on the other hand, has a habit of sleeping like a dead person.

Into the long night,
Koel out.



I’m still on a Cro kick. I mean, how couldn’t I be? Just look at that face. That ridiculous, perfect, maniacal face. It has been a lot of fun to mess with his character, story, and design lately. Hopefully I will finalize some of the vignettes I’ve been writing, featuring him, of course, for the world to see. He definitely deserves it.

Hopefully even more madness is next,
Koel out.



First it started with Cro listening to the occasional electroswing, then it fully devolved into Cro out-dancing absolutely everyone with his modern swing style because, well, why wouldn’t he?
I’ve made a few substantial character developments for him recently, one of them does include arson, and he has fully blossomed into the most entertainingly monstrous he has been in a full decade. And that’s saying something. He has historically been an extension of Ursur’s story line, but now he’s running (dancing) wild. I’m so proud and so excited to write about it.

Note that my laptop nearly died a few times while trying to create this, the canvas ended up too ridiculously big (6300×9300). Cro’s dancing made my laptop near too hot to handle, but somehow we all pulled through.

Dancing into the night,
Koel out.



I’ve seen this tweet floating around and finally decided to put to canvas what I’ve been impulsively thinking each time I’ve seen it. It’s very fitting.

Now that I’ve gotten this out of my system, there is something very, very, catastrophically important I need to draw.

Until that catastrophe unfolds,
Koel out.



Unfortunately these sketches will never be finished, as I’ve moved onto other sketches of these two already. But I figured it would be nice to share this regardless–I don’t draw Buteo nearly as much as I should. And as the notably most sane one out here, he deserves a bit more recognition. And as Crotalus’s brother, that is also quite the accomplishment. He honestly deserves a medal.

Running to work on those new sketches,
Koel out.



A little redraw of a very, very old picture to celebrate Ursur’s canon birthday, July 26!

I first created him in 2010, so he’s stuck with me for quite some time and is the oldest character I actively build and write.

He used to be obsessed with birds, but I threw that idea out and just gave him wings instead. Over the years he has only evolved into more of a flashy gremlin monster and it’s been fantastic.

Though, the real question is what is he getting for his birthday? . . .

Hoping it’s something cool,
Koel out.



Originally that scythe was a symbolic item for rituals when Ursur was leader of Kraud, an Etherwalk cult. But he took it with him when he fled and he repurposed it into a dance prop. Now he likes to swing it around to the droning beat of music. This may well be sacrilege, and Buteo tries his best not to hate it.
Also upon fleeing, Ursur stole Crotalus’s ritual dagger. This annoyed Crotalus greatly at the time, and he settled for the ritual dagger pictured here. But he eventually said something to Ursur akin to an “I guess you can keep it. As little trinket to remember me.”

I actually forgot I had not uploaded this one. So here it is now! I love Crotalus’s hat so very much. It was fun to draw it, finally.

Pretty happy with how the colors came out here. I’ve been trying to experiment with quick shading and accents. The most frustrating problem I’m having is I’m not sure how to color the lines when everyone wears mostly black.

Until I draw another instance of characters annoying each other,
Koel out.



They’re probably discussing which pizza to order and they cannot seem to come to an agreement. Caius keeps insisting on pineapple, mostly just because Julius hates it. And no one in their right mind would put pineapple and bell pepper on a pizza, right?

Also, I must point out how much I love the music notes, and it really makes me want to draw Ursur with his bass. Maybe Caius is listening to his latest EP right here.

Probably now off to draw someone jamming,
Koel out.