
There is a particular nuance in the way Cro’s expression changes from smiling regardless of what horror unfolds, to something far less smirking and much more disappointed. I aim to capture that someday, but for now, here he is again.

It’s an arduous thought, but I have been wanting to slowly creep toward the tiniest of comic-like quick sketches. Micro-comic-adjacent, perhaps. All to bring my boys to life.

. . .
Koel out.



It is the season again, and so fittingly I am finally uploading this originally-one-day-late celebratory image. And, of course, I must try my best to outdo this picture with something even better this year.

The way time has passed is quite something. I’m lucky that I’ve been able to break out of my prior art block and hiatus, which mostly lasted for over a year. I’ve been drawing with decent consistency, and it feels great to be doing so once again. I’m back. My boys are back.

And with madness definitely back too,
Koel out.




I’ve decided to publish these wips to prove to social media algorithms that I am, in fact, still alive.

Have I yet mentioned how much I love drawing Cro’s hair? It has evolved significantly over the years, and it has become something truly worth marveling.

Back to scribbling,
Koel out.



I am back from the void that is art block! It feels great to be back to my usual nonsense (drawing and writing about my characters’ usual nonsense), so here are a few wips that hopefully make it over the color hurdle to finished exports.


It’s unfortunate that I had yet to finish any vignette or any drawing to properly introduce the Moondogs–Cro’s insane dog-helmeted posse. So I suppose this glimpse here is that introduction. Eventually I will create some real havoc with them, and let that loose into the internet void.

This particular Moondog is Flower, one of Crotalus’s bodyguards, who gets much too close to his younger brother Buteo . . .

For the love of nonsense,
Koel out.



“Put it between your teeth.”
“. . . What?” 
“I said hold it between your teeth. Like this,” (he had to elaborate his weird insanity).
Ursur frowned, but. He did, between his teeth. Like that.
Crotalus smiled just a little bit. He took his match back from his mouth and he struck it, put it back like a cigarette, like he had done it many times before. Still smiling, just a little bit. Gentle flame burning as he was closing the distance between them. He leaned in, and he touched his match against Ursur’s–he almost flinched back, but he just grimaced and thought. And the spark was lit, transferrable. He hesitated, but that did not matter.
Now, “Do it, spit it out,” Crotalus removed his match and was gesturing again, to the entirety of everything spilled out in front of them.
Ursur pulled the match from his teeth, sheltered the small flame on instinct, whatever terrified it might fade out, wisp away, turn to ashes in his fingers. One shot to blaze out and fade forever.
“Do it. Pretty please?” Crotalus was staring far too intently.
“I said do it.”
Ursur shut his eyes, just for a few seconds, pressing down, maybe it would disappear. He opened them, bat innocent lashes, and he leaned over and dropped the match–flinched. And the flame caught. And it burned.
“Thank you, my dear,” Crotalus was smiling, and he blew out his match and dropped it in the fire too.

Crotalus was ecstatic. Ursur was confused. Whatever. What then.

So, he had arranged the funeral pyre on the balcony, and he held the match out. It would be done, soon. Pages and photographs, whatever it was, it was adrift at sea. Whatever it was, too far away now. Ursur closed his eyes.
“Why these?” Crotalus was there, suddenly, he had not heard the door open, he had not heard the click of his heels, nothing. And he stepped in, shoving him back from the middle of that balcony, past the chair, off back toward the building, and knelt down. Began to pick through the pile of photographs, through the still air and sun setting behind him, all ones that he had taken. All of them, he had taken. And Ursur stared at his hands, fists, the blood pouring through them in weird fake channels, but not enough to feel it. They might have been numb, but his face was flushed. The dust barely stirred.
“t-they’re awful,” reason enough. Reason, and enough.
“No they’re not, silly,” Crotalus didn’t turn to face him, still picking through them with that inflection, but he did shrug. “If you’d like to, then. Get rid of them,” he swept his arm again, he held out his hand, he invited him in.
Ursur stared at that pile he had scrapped together, sort of cold-faced, burning already, holding that match far too tight. Why was he there, he had not heard the door.
Crotalus just standing, waiting. Looking at him the way it was obvious.
“Well, in that case . . . here, let me do it, just for you. . . . Return the favor, or something like that.”
Ursur said nothing, then, holding the match almost enough to snap, desperately. Staring out in front of him, right there in front of him, he could strike it. He could–Crotalus grabbed it out of his fingers, he pushed him back, he was going to do it, wasn’t he, sound of match against box, he w–




Oh boy.

I’ve been particularly excited about this one from the start. Nothing better than Cro with a match, you might think. But no, there is something better than Cro with a match: Both Cro and Ursur with matches, of course.

I have been trying to harness a certain carefree chaos when it comes to all steps of my art process, maybe trying to learn something from my writing style. It seems to go well until I hit this specific threshold at which my computer begins to rebel, lag, and whine excessively. And so, it has been a bit difficult to indulge in the experimental. I might have to scale down a bit to try some wacky new things with larger brush sizes and more layers. But I might simply put up with my laptop nearly bursting into flames, unable to keep up with my madness with annoying amounts of lag. Anything for my boys.

Either way, I do love how this came out, both in sketch and vignette.

(Just between you and me,)
Koel out.



There is a certain tension I like to capture with these two. A certain level of reasonable disagreement that isn’t quite disagreement at all. Just perceptions that clash and clatter together loudly, but when silence hits and they fall, it becomes evident they were both talking about the same thing at the same time in the same way, but it’s somehow just different.

I’ve been trying to channel the old energies and freedoms of drawing in a traditional sketchbook with pencil, pens, and highlighters. It’s sort of working, but also developing into its own thing entirely, satisfyingly enough.

And a close up because I do like how the shading turned out, even if I really didn’t know what I was doing.

Onward to deeper color chaos,
Koel out.



Lately whenever I draw them it ends up tense, and that includes the current wip I’ve got going. I’ll probably have to make up for that soon and draw something with a bit less angst.


In other news, I have redesigned their tattoos, finally!

Feeling the beat again,
Koel Out.


Still attempting to put all art that I’ve published on other social media here in compilation. I’ve been horrible with cross-posting since the very beginning, except for the deviantArt era where I had no other art accounts.


It’s annoying when those we stab thirteen times continue to haunt us after death. Dare say inconvenient.
This one is from back from when Cro was a hallucination, and not actually still alive. (The less fun era.) I’m quite glad he wears shirts and smudged eyeliner now.


As usual, I (accidentally) ended up drawing my characters doing nothing but annoying one another.


Luckily Buteo’s design has matured a bit and become more unique. I still have a lot that I want to alter, but it’s going in a good direction. I really ought to polish up some recent wips I have of him that I’ll never finish.


I do love the scribbles and how I drew that scythe in this one. Really ought to draw more scribbles.


Some sketches of messing with Ursur being fashionable. Out of everyone, he is the most impractical with his clothing. I really need to design his overcoat and etc, because this attire is not ideal for the dirty, dusty, dangerous post apoc.

Probably back to drawing,
Koel out.


I’ve finally put this together. A mosaic of old art that I’ve uploaded elsewhere on social media. Now it’s here too, huzzah!


When you’re trying to wake up from a long art hiatus yet still trying to love yourself regardless. . .


A wip that turned out looking pretty fun.


What on earth are they sneering at? Is it my chaotic color/shading? Is it the horrendous social media algorithms? Is it both? Neither? Who knows. . . .


This sketch was abandoned before completion. But I was incredibly fond of how Caius’s boots were shaping up. I do love drawing some chunky boots.


Some nice festive candy corn colors for a nice festive Halloween sketch. I will definitely have to come up with something great for this year’s Halloween shenanigans as the time approaches quickly.

Thinking deeply,
Koel out.