
Don’t let his calm demeanor fool you–Julius is quite concerned. He still has not learned how to swim and there is the lurking threat of Caius launching himself in his direction and capsizing them both. Unavoidable fall of man.

It’s still on my to do list to (re)design their tattoos and tech, oops.

Off to draw some more chaos now,
Koel out.



It’ll be quick shading, she said. It’ll be neat and clean, she said. It’ll be fast, she said . . . Still experimenting with color/shading, while also trying to embrace messiness again.

Regardless, it’s my other boys! Finally! And now that I’ve got this done, I’m afraid I’m going back to drawing/writing Ursur and Cro being terrible. Actually hoping to finish some vignettes with these two, though. It’s also about time I threw them into the drama blender, and I have in fact been working on something vague in my head.


So until I have more good drama of any kind to share,
Koel out.


A wip that I wasn’t planning to publish–all because I tried my (foolish) hand at (foolishly) writing some hurt/comfort with Ursur and Crotalus, of all things. And, rightfully so, I have left myself with hurt/hurt instead. I probably deserve it.
I could have written about Caius and Julius instead. That probably would have ended in much more favorable outcomes, and my heart would hurt, but in a good way.

Anyway, so here is this wip. Something a bit happier to soothe my poor heart at this late hour.

And now with pain,
Koel out.