
A little something from a larger whole that I’m hoping to finish up after adding a tiny bit more flair.

Lately I’ve collected too many half-thought-out wips in a dusty corner, but I’ll try to do these guys justice and finish a few things.
And I’ve been missing the traditional sketchbook freedom where I can draw horrible line art and scribble colors over with highlighters and whatever miscellaneous supplies I have at the time. There is just something about digital that demands perfection, and that is probably more exhausting than it is satisfying. But I am entirely determined to let loose that freedom upon the digital canvas one way or another.

Looking for flair,
Koel out.




I’ve decided to publish these wips to prove to social media algorithms that I am, in fact, still alive.

Have I yet mentioned how much I love drawing Cro’s hair? It has evolved significantly over the years, and it has become something truly worth marveling.

Back to scribbling,
Koel out.



I am back from the void that is art block! It feels great to be back to my usual nonsense (drawing and writing about my characters’ usual nonsense), so here are a few wips that hopefully make it over the color hurdle to finished exports.


It’s unfortunate that I had yet to finish any vignette or any drawing to properly introduce the Moondogs–Cro’s insane dog-helmeted posse. So I suppose this glimpse here is that introduction. Eventually I will create some real havoc with them, and let that loose into the internet void.

This particular Moondog is Flower, one of Crotalus’s bodyguards, who gets much too close to his younger brother Buteo . . .

For the love of nonsense,
Koel out.


I’ve finally put this together. A mosaic of old art that I’ve uploaded elsewhere on social media. Now it’s here too, huzzah!


When you’re trying to wake up from a long art hiatus yet still trying to love yourself regardless. . .


A wip that turned out looking pretty fun.


What on earth are they sneering at? Is it my chaotic color/shading? Is it the horrendous social media algorithms? Is it both? Neither? Who knows. . . .


This sketch was abandoned before completion. But I was incredibly fond of how Caius’s boots were shaping up. I do love drawing some chunky boots.


Some nice festive candy corn colors for a nice festive Halloween sketch. I will definitely have to come up with something great for this year’s Halloween shenanigans as the time approaches quickly.

Thinking deeply,
Koel out.


A wip that I wasn’t planning to publish–all because I tried my (foolish) hand at (foolishly) writing some hurt/comfort with Ursur and Crotalus, of all things. And, rightfully so, I have left myself with hurt/hurt instead. I probably deserve it.
I could have written about Caius and Julius instead. That probably would have ended in much more favorable outcomes, and my heart would hurt, but in a good way.

Anyway, so here is this wip. Something a bit happier to soothe my poor heart at this late hour.

And now with pain,
Koel out.