MONSTER < MONSTER < MONSTER [M3] is an experimental visual and literary project centered in the cyberdeco, biopunk, post-apocalyptic future.


Featuring a set of recurring characters in a non-linear, loss-of-context timeline where only the very moment matters, M3 explores visceral realities in an even more brutal romanticism.


This blog compiles art, literature, extras, and updates to provide a comprehensive hub and archive of the M3 project.
Zines teased and linked contain exclusive art and literature in chaotic cohesion that is not published elsewhere.



It’s been a while since I’ve published any drawings, because I haven’t been drawing, tragically. I’ve been working on some other projects recently, but I finally miss my boys too much and am once again compelled to bring them to life.

Here are a few traditional sketches from my downtime at work. Expressions are definitely still my favorite things to draw, and expressions from Ursur and/or Cro are definitely still my ultimate favorite things to draw.

I wonder what’s next.

Getting back to it,
Koel out.



Another Caius and Julius doodle that I have drawn and am now publishing while I work on a hurt/comfort (if you squint) vignette (zine?) monstrosity with Ursur and Cro. It’s been a week or so, and it keeps snowballing into something even worse.

That aside, I’ve been having a nicer, less painful, time knowing that Caius and Julius at least share the dumbest jokes they can with each other.

Snowballing into something worse,
Koel out.

Crotalus Doesn’t Make the Rules . . .


Of course Crotalus has to pretend that Ursur has some power over him, because it’s so ironic that it’s funny. Just poking right in the sore that is Ursur knowing he’ll do so much of what Crotalus asks, or demands. When he pretends that Ursur has the power, it’s silly, it’s futile, it’s a joke.

But not everyone laughs. The Moondogs and the higher ups of the Paraselene Syndicate, and a few scattered individuals, know far too well that joke isn’t quite that ironic.

So, here is something a bit ridiculous for a change. Compelled, I had to stop in my wip tracks just to sketch this up and I haven’t stopped laughing at it since. Though, there is something a bit unsettling about Cro wearing a t-shirt with his ethertech hands exposed.

I don’t make the rules here,
Koel out.



A little something from a larger whole that I’m hoping to finish up after adding a tiny bit more flair.

Lately I’ve collected too many half-thought-out wips in a dusty corner, but I’ll try to do these guys justice and finish a few things.
And I’ve been missing the traditional sketchbook freedom where I can draw horrible line art and scribble colors over with highlighters and whatever miscellaneous supplies I have at the time. There is just something about digital that demands perfection, and that is probably more exhausting than it is satisfying. But I am entirely determined to let loose that freedom upon the digital canvas one way or another.

Looking for flair,
Koel out.



Unfortunately, no longer does Ursur have a throne to lean upon after leaving the Kraud Etherwalk cult, and it also is generally frowned upon to greet customers with such a gaze. And attire. . . . And scythe. At least by the boss’s standards. Though, without his coffee, he’ll do it anyway.

After a much needed laptop upgrade and downloading the newer version of Krita, I’ve been experimenting a bit with brushes and ended up with this neon catastrophe. (I type as if I don’t always end up with a neon catastrophe.) I’ll take it as a good sign the brush experimentation is going well, and it was a lot of fun to work on, regardless.
Finally, my laptop will be able to handle larger .kra files with more layers, no lag, and hopefully fewer crashes!

In other news I am much, much closer to piecing together my first zine. A few vignettes featuring the boys have finally been proofed and formatted.

Coffee time,
Koel out.



It’s them again.

This is the result of some experimentation using two brushes and two colors in the line art phase. I sort of like how it turned out, but I’m not sure if it will stick. I will be experimenting with it more, though, for whatever reason compels me.

To brushes! To colors!
Koel out.



Not quite the New Year picture I had in mind, but I didn’t get a chance to finish this one off before the holiday season ended and the new year began.
I’m definitely wondering what is in that box.

Though, I do have this stunning drawing from my phone that I made while at the microscope:

I’m looking forward to this year. It has already started on a beautiful note (and with a stellar vignette), and there are many things I’m excited about that will be blossoming soon.

To the new year!
Koel out.